
China and India amidst global financial hick-ups

What is China and India's fate amidst these times of economic uncertainty? Their medium-term evolution will be determined by many factors and dimensions. There are different nuances and differences in each country's government modus operandi, attitudes towards different types of investment and adequacy of its infrastructure to the evolution of the world economy. The passion, vibrancy and optimism of entrepreneurship at grassroots is there and is largely untouched by the financial crisis. Social turmoil will be there and challenges are still many, particularly regarding how and if political structures will be able to adapt and respond to the traps and hick-ups of the global economy. China and India's rise is set to change the planet forever. It will change the way the West exists materially, but also alter the very way the West understands itself, what its economic history has meant and what the future should mean for its place in the international order.

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